Privacy Policy

At Roways, safeguarding your data privacy is a top priority for us. Our commitment to protecting your information is outlined in this Privacy Policy, which clarifies the type of data we collect, why we collect it, how we utilize it, and the measures we take to secure it. Additionally, the policy outlines your rights concerning your information.

The Privacy Policy of Roways applies to the use of its desktop applications, website, and any other interactions with the company, including customer service inquiries. It also applies to all employees, contractors, and officers of the company. Roways ensures compliance with the GDPR by having a contract with all data processors it uses, and it ensures that they are also compliant with Data Protection Legislation. However, this policy does not apply to third-party services, and their privacy practices are governed by their own policies. Roways encourages its users to learn about the privacy practices of third-party services. If you do not agree to the terms of the Privacy Policy, you should not access or use the Products, Sites or any other aspect of Roways’s business.

It’s important to note that Roways is collecting personal data in all three of these categories, and users should be aware of what information they are sharing with the company. Additionally, Roways should ensure that they are complying with relevant data protection laws and regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in California. Users should also have the ability to access, modify, or delete their personal data as necessary. It’s recommended that Roways have a clear and comprehensive privacy policy that outlines their data collection practices and how they will use and protect user data.

When you provide payment information on Roways’ website, it will be stored and processed by and other third-party service providers as designated by Roways. Roways will collect certain information required for these providers to process payments, including credit/debit card numbers, security numbers, and other related payment information. It’s important to note that all such information is subject to the privacy policy of or any other third-party service provider as applicable.

It is important to note that cookies can also collect personal information such as your browsing history and preferences. Roways has stated that they do not disclose individual information to any website or make any profit from this information. However, it is always important to read the privacy policy of any website or service that uses cookies to understand how your personal information is being collected and used. Additionally, it is recommended to regularly clear your browser’s cookies and cache to protect your privacy.

This is a good policy to have in place as it ensures compliance with applicable data protection laws such as the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in the United States. By not collecting personal information from children under the age of 13, Roways is protecting the privacy and safety of minors online. Additionally, providing a way for parents or legal guardians to report any mistakenly collected information shows that Roways takes this issue seriously and is committed to resolving it promptly.

Our company collects, utilizes, processes, and stores your information as necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations with you and for our legitimate business interests in operating our Sites, Products, and Services.

Use of collected information related to your website visit, product purchase, and usage
Roways uses the information we collect during your website visit, product purchase, and usage for the following purposes:

Providing you with the ordered product(s)
Fulfilling our contractual obligations to you, which includes identifying and billing you and charging your bank card number
Verifying your identity and providing customer service or support
Analyzing your use of our Site and Products to improve our services, user experience, and retain users.
Use of information related to comments sections
We collect information from the comments sections to improve our products and provide consumers and potential consumers with transparent information about Roways products. You voluntarily provide your comments and personal data, and the processing of the collected personal data relies on your consent.

We may use the comments (with your relevant information) you post for marketing purposes to help others better understand and use our products.

Use of information related to newsletters and advertising emails
We collect information to provide consumers and potential consumers with information and news regarding Roways products. Your subscription to Roways’s newsletter and the related provision of personal data are voluntary, and the processing of the collected information relies on your consent.

Our disclosure of your information to third parties is limited to specific circumstances, including:

Use of Service Providers
We use third-party service providers to assist with various business operations, such as hosting, delivering, and improving our Products. These service providers may only access, process, or store personal data as needed to perform their duties for us.

Your Explicit Consent
We will only share your personal data if you have given us explicit consent to do so.

Investigation of Potential Violations or Illegal Activities
We may share your information if we suspect a violation of our Terms of Products or if we need to investigate or prevent illegal activities, suspected fraud, or potential threats to safety or security.

Protection of Roways and Users
We may disclose your information if we determine that such disclosure is required by law to protect the rights, property, or safety of Roways and our users, or to respond to lawful requests by public authorities.

Business Transfers
If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, or sale of some or all of our assets or stock, your information may be shared or transferred to another entity, subject to this Privacy Policy.

Non-Personal Data
We may share non-personal data publicly or with third parties, such as in public reports about word usage or progress reports provided to users.

We do not share your information with third parties for the purpose of enabling them to deliver advertisements to you, nor do we sell or rent your personal data.

Third-Party Applications and Products
Some third-party applications and services that work with us may request access to your information. These applications will ask for your consent before accessing your information. Please consider your selection of these applications and services and your permissions carefully.

Third-party embedded content or plugins, such as Facebook “Like” buttons, may collect information about your visits to our Sites and combine this knowledge with other data they have collected about you. Data collected by third parties through these apps and plugins are subject to each party’s own policies, and we encourage you to read those policies and understand how other companies use your data.

When you use our Products, any user-generated content you save is stored on your device and synced with our servers. By posting or transferring information through our Site or Products, you agree to host and access that information on our servers.

Roways may transfer collected personal data to recipients outside the European Union. These destinations may not have laws that protect user data to the same extent as the European Union. Nevertheless, Roways ensures that personal data processed by Roways or its partners operating outside the European Union is treated securely and protected against unauthorized access, loss, destruction, or processing that is inconsistent with this Privacy Policy.

You can ask Roways to remove your information at any time by emailing us at However, we may keep some of your data for as long as reasonably necessary to detect and prevent fraud, comply with our legal obligations, and meet legitimate business interests.

Roways will report any breaches to the relevant supervisory authority within 72 hours, unless the data was anonymized or encrypted or has a low risk. Staff, contractors, or officers of Roways who breach this policy will face disciplinary sanctions.

If Roways detects a security system breach, we will try to notify you and provide information on protective steps, if possible, by email or by posting a notice on the Site. Depending on your location, you may have a legal right to receive such notices in writing.

Roways uses, processes, and stores information as necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations to you and based on our legitimate interests in providing our Products and Services. We rely on your consent to process information for the purposes of sending promotional emails and placing cookies on your devices. In some cases, Roways may process Personal Data to comply with legal obligations or to protect vital interests, either yours or those of others.

If you’re located in the European Economic Area (EEA), you have certain rights regarding your personal information, including the right to access, correct, or delete information processed through your use of our Sites and/or Products. As a user based in the EEA, you may:

Request correction or deletion of inaccurate information or the complete deletion of all information we hold about you by emailing
Access a personal data report by submitting a request to This report will include the information we have about you in a structured, commonly used, and portable format.
Object to us processing your personal data. If you feel that the “grounds relating to your particular situation” apply, you have the right to lodge an objection to the processing of your personal data by emailing We will only deny your request if we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or if the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.
Request that we stop using your information, including for marketing emails. We only send marketing communications to users located in the EEA with your prior consent, and you may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link found within Roways emails and changing your contact preferences. Please note that even if you unsubscribe from marketing emails, you will still receive transactional messages related to our Products.
Lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority if you believe that Roways has not complied with data protection laws.

This Privacy Policy aligns with the new GDPR guidelines and was last updated on May 25, 2018. However, as our Sites, Products, and services, as well as laws applicable to us and you, are subject to change, we may need to update this Policy. Rest assured that our commitment to protecting your privacy will remain unchanged. If we make any material changes to this Policy that affect your rights, we will inform you through email or post the revisions in an easily accessible location on our Sites with the effective date. We suggest you check back periodically to stay informed of any changes.

You may contact us with any questions relating to this Privacy Policy by e-mailing: